How to create a Workbook

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How to create a Workbook

You can create a workbook inside any project which is present in any of the workspaces assigned to you.
To create a workbook, follow the steps given below.

  1. On the rubiscape home page, click the Create icon (  ). You are directed to the rubiscape product tour page.
  2. Hover over the Machine Learning tile and click the Create Workbook button that appears.
  3. Enter a Name for your workbook [Covid-19_Europe].

  4. Select a Project name from the available list or enter a name to create a new Project [Healthcare_Europe].

  5. Enter the Description for your workbook [This is a Workbook to analyze Covid-19 dataset for Europe region.].

  6. Once you are sure that the information you have provided is correct, click Create.

The workbook is created and the workbook canvas is displayed as shown in the figure below.

Datasets and the relevant data preparation and other algorithms can be added to the workbook canvas as required.

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How to create a Workbook

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